Participant Code of Conduct
Participants are responsible for their own behavior and resolving their own issues.
Emergence strongly suggests behaving in a manner that does not make other participants feel unsafe or threatened and expects everyone to refrain from conduct that would make another's good faith participation in Emergence impossible.
Emergence does not condone behavior that endangers its ability to hold the annual event and other community events.
Participants may report any incident in which another participant is behaving in an abusive, intimidating, threatening, or unsafe manner. (Physical hazards, such as unsafe art installations or fires, should be referred to Rangers.)
Warnings and Bans
Our Warning and Ban Policy details how Emergence may ask participants to change their behavior or not attend events.
Radical Inclusion
Radical inclusion, one of the 10 Principles of Burning Man, is a core aspect of Burn culture Emergence is committed to protecting and fostering. We urge Emergers to actively encourage and support the participation of people of all colors, ethnic backgrounds, sexes, genders, orientations, histories, and geographies. We welcome suggestions concerning how we can broaden and deepen the diversity of Emergence. You can read our statement on racial justice here.
Policy re Acidic Art
When radical expression threatens to dissolve the bonds of community we refer to our Acidic Art Policy.
Photography at Emergence
Emergence recognizes and supports photography at our events as a form of expression and participation valued by many Emergers. Some participants feel photography at events or the use or publication of personal images negatively affects their experiences. Accordingly, we encourage our participants to obtain consent before photographing others when the subject will be identifiable in the image and before sharing the photograph publicly.
Fire Policies, Art, Setup
Fire, Fireworks, Firespinning, and Firearms
Fireworks and firearms are not permitted.
Flame Art and Flame Effects (not including performance)
Emergence is, among other things, a fire arts festival, and we welcome artistic expressions involving fire. If you have any fire art (including burn barrels or other open fires and flame effects), you must get it inspected by F.A.ST. prior to burning. Emergence is also, among other things, held in a nature reserve. This means we have a civic responsibility to act in a safe and responsible manner, with respect to the land we are on.
Please let us know in advance if you plan to bring fire art by filling in that section of the multiform.
You can contact our fire safety team at
Guidelines for Flame Effects on Mutant Vehicles
Fire Pits/ Camp Fires
All fires, whether they be flame art, fire spinning, or campfires, must be attended at all times.
Ground fires are not permitted. This refers to fires that are not contained within some kind of ring, barrel, or fire safe container.
If you wish to have a fire at your camp, you will need to bring your own method of fire containment. Clear brush, leaves, and pine needles at least 5 feet back from the fire pit.
Burn only wood in the campfires.
NO OUTSIDE FIREWOOD ALLOWED. On site wood will be provided. This is to protect the forest from pests.
F.A.S.T. may implement additional restrictions depending on current local conditions.
Spinning and Performing
Sharing your flow art, collaborating with other spinners, and burning brightly for all to see can be some of the most amazing and rewarding burn experiences. We enthusiastically welcome all levels of fire performers at Emergence and have just a few rules to make sure everyone stays safe.
Fire spinning is allowed only in pre-approved spaces. Please contact our Conclave leads if you would like to host a fire performance space. You can find them at the fire safety meetings (check the schedule) and by asking at Heart Core.
There will be a primary designated fire circle where nightly burning will be radically encouraged.
Don’t spin fire if you are inebriated and can’t do so safely.
Store your fuel safely and closed! There will be a safe fuel station located at the designated fire circle.
If you want to spin fire, we encourage you to use this space while accompanied by a fire safety spotter.
All performers must have a fire safety spotter. Find a responsible and sober spotter when you want to play with fire.
Spotters must have a fire blanket or appropriate material to be used as a fire blanket. WET TOWELS are NOT sufficient.
If you wish to participate in the designated fire circle, a few notes on etiquette, we ask that those who wish to spin fire take turns providing safety spotting to other spinners as you rotate through the burn queue. When you walk up, please show courtesy and safety awareness to anyone who maybe occupying the space. When in doubt, look for or ask for a team lead.
If you see someone spinning without a spotter/safety, tell them to put it out! It is your Civic Responsibility to keep yourself and others safe.
Emergence takes place in a protected nature reserve, and therefore a high level of caution must be taken when considering where and when fire performing occurs. For this reason we ask that absolutely NO charcoal props be used outside of the designated fire circle, which will be cleared and swept of any debris that may lead to uncontrolled fire.
Please see our policy regarding whips at Emergence here.
Conclave is a fun and wonderful opportunity to showcase your skills alongside other fire performers by participating in a coordinated display of fire and flow artistry before the effigy burn Saturday night.
If you wish to participate in Conclave at Emergence, you must attend a safety meeting. Consult the event calendar for times and locations of the safety meeting. The Conclave Lead will go over logistics and everything you need to know to be a part of our epic performance.
PLEASE BRING A SAFETY WITH YOU! We need to train them as well.
All props and skill levels are encouraged to join. If you don’t attend the meeting you won’t perform! Please don’t schedule yourself for a Saturday 2pm volunteer shift if you wish to participate in Conclave. There are also volunteer shifts available for anyone interested in being a Conclave-specific Fire Safety Spotter. You can find those shifts on the volunteer signups page.
Any questions regarding fire performing or Conclave can be directed to the on-site Conclave Lead or Co-Leads, or emailed to
Art Cars
Art cars are welcome at Emergence provided they sufficiently mutated and the owner has pre-registered.
Event & Camping Policies
Tickets and Wristbands
No tickets will be available for purchase at the gate. All participants must have purchased a ticket to be admitted. All tickets are will-call: Bring your ID.
The Gate crew will check your ID and give you a wristband. People without wristbands will be asked to leave the event so please keep your wristband on. If you lose your wristband please talk to Gate.
Maps of the site will be posted. Please respect the event boundaries and the designated sacred spaces. Placement of theme camps will be available as the event approaches.
Pets are not allowed at Emergence.
There is one exception only: Service Animals as defined by the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) are permitted to accompany any participant with a disability who requires one. For planning purposes we do request that you email as early as possible to notify us that your Service Animal will accompany you.
No other domesticated animals are allowed at Emergence, including emotional support animals, or creatures in cages,
Do not bother, feed, or otherwise approach wildlife.
Leave No Trace
Emergence is a Leave No Trace event. Take everything you brought back out with you, and make sure no trash or other foreign matter is left in your campsite when you leave.
No trash facilities are available. Plan to put all your trash into your vehicle and take it home with you–please don’t deposit your trash in local dumpsters.
Trees, holes, and other permanent modifications
Do not cut live trees. Collect only dead trees for firewood.
Do not dig holes in the ground for firepits, latrines, garbage disposal, or any other purpose.
Do not build permanent trails or other installations without permission from Placement or DPW Core Leads.
No swimming or bathing in the lakes - prehistoric flesh-eating monsters dwell withing (aka alligators).
Please do not dispose of any rinsewater containing soap within 100 feet of the lakes.
Bathroom Facilities
Portapotties are provided for the event. These are pumped and cleaned during the event–please don’t discard trash in the portapotties as this clogs the pump. Do not poop in the woods!
Vending is not allowed.